Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week Six and Seven (mostly): 2 under 2

So I'm a little behind on getting up last weeks events, so once again here's a combo post of last week and what's gone on this week.

Izzy: She's doing great! She's starting to smile and talk a lot these days. I remember this phase with Anna, being able to get her to smile at any moment. It was great to start to see her become more of an infant than a newborn and now we can see it with Izzy. She's a cuddler and loves to be held more than left by herself. We call her the needy one but who can resist cuddling up with a little baby? It's probably a little early yet, but I think shes going to keep her blue eyes, maybe a different shade than Anna. Her golden copper hair may remain, but again only time will tell that one. I was born blonde and am now about what Izzy is. She's sleeping through the night most of the time, definitely not as consistant as Anna was at her age. But they are definitely their own person. I think she's between 9 and 10 pounds by now. We go in 2 weeks from today for her first round of shots and see how she's growing. She starts up daycare on Monday as I go back to work. They are very excited to have her - it's nice to know the staff quite well and know your kids are in good, caring hands.

Anna: She's quite the independant soul but has so much love to give. She's starting to try and say so many words now and slowly she's getting there! Juice is her new word this week. She gives hugs and kisses all the time, hugs your legs, smiles real big with her teeth when you have the camera pointed at her, gives "big hugs" and puts her arms around your neck and squeezes, and gives hugs and kisses to Izzy (she gets mad when Izzy doesn't give her her lips to kiss). I'm now having to do her hair some mornings, she brushes her teeth with a big girl toothbrush and lets me help her. The clothes she wears makes her look so big, not to mention when you pick her up and hold her, she's so big! It's amazing how fast they grow in all respects in such a short amount of time. On the other side of things, she's bitten us a few times only to feel the pain in return. So that's quite infrequent. She kicks and puts her arms straight when we're holding her and she doesn't like whatever is going on at the moment. She know's what "come here" means, but only comes when it benefits her. Those cute little faces know a lot more than we know but as we all do it, selective understanding plagues her sometimes. She definitely keeps us on our toes and learning new ways to parent everyday. Despite the frustrating moments, we're so excited to see her learn everyday.

The Parents: I start work back up on Monday after an 8 week maternity leave. This leave has had its trials and tribulations figuring out how to parent 2 girls and how to get Izzy to sleep through the night. But I've also been able to take in a lot of side work and finish up some other projects that needed to be completed. I didn't get paid the last month of my leave, but it's been refreshing not to have to work from home - no deadlines to meet or issues to work through. I would love to stay home with the girls and do all the mommy stuff day in and day out, but bills need to be paid and I'm just thankful I have a job to do such a thing. Someday. Gary's doing well. Keeping busy at work and for that we are thankful as well. We've been trying to come up with a routine to keep up with the house, dinners but also make sure we have time to have fun and do family stuff. So we'll really put that in practice staring next week. With spring coming, hopefully it'll be a smooth transition. We're looking to get some more of the basement done in the next couple weeks. We always have some project going on. :)

I'll post more tomorrow with photos, videos and my newest Blurb book idea!


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